Do you have any maintenance requirements we can assist with?
Our maintenance services include structural, electrical and plumbing systems ensuring your business stays fully operational and safe at all times.
Our proven track record providing maintenance services with international clients in London and Europe is a testament to the service and quality provided.
Ensuring the right maintenance services is carried out within any building is the lifeline to ensure that the building runs appropriately, efficiently and most importantly, safely.
We will work closely with you to provide suitable maintenance services for your specific industry, including guidance and advice on Building Regulations and statutory compliance.
Only our most skilled engineers attend site either on a mobile or residential basis.
Reactive requirements
24 hours a day call out for all building requirements. We will be able to attend site to carry out any immediate inspections and repairs to ensure a building remains safe and operational.
These include:
- Leaks
- Electrical/power faults
- Broken fixtures
- Planned preventative maintenance
We work closely with our clients to plan, schedule and carry out works proactively including repairs, maintenance and replacements to prevent failures that could cost a business time and expenditure.
Depending on the asset verification carried out on the building and plant this will enable HBS to review the frequency of the works within a building, taking into account warranties, supplier instructions and legislation.
PPM works include the following examples:
- Electrical fixed wired testing
- Water Treatments in line with regulations
- Emergency lighting inspections
- Fire Door inspections in line with regulations
- Air Conditioning inspections